Cause modern lifestyle and lack of movement griefs in different regions of the back affect the performance of the human and sometimes its production and its interaction with professional and family surroundings.
The show the effects of back problems in places other than the body as is the case with "sciatica", which affects the entire bodyIn the following months a series of magical solutions that will help alleviate the back pain .. office chairs:Sit down straight and not bending to the back or side, even if I felt that this method may make you feel better temporarily, it must sit flat on a chair distributes weight evenly to all parts of the chair. It must be the rule relaxed, back straight to protect the nerves in the back of the body. bed of sleep:Bed in a bad cause most back pain, and even the way sleep, so sleep on the sides and specifically the right or on the back of two ways Almthalitan to sleep, and it must use some thing soft mattress, bed instead of more harsh than necessary. Experts recommend changing the bed every 10 years at most. Footwear:Get rid of the shoes that cause pain at the end of the day. And tried to switch shoes every day consumption rather than one pair of comfortable features may disappear after a while. And get a specialist opinion in the way the walking and bending your back, because you may need to physiotherapy.For women, the high heels cause the payment of body weight forward, which causes the curvature of the back in the long run, the tight shoes when submitted pay a body weight back, and therefore, wear high heels and Introduction narrow is a mix very dangerous for the back, so advised to wear shoes with a broad template for the convenience of the toes, taking into account the high heels so as not to exceed 4 cm.a hot bath:If you suffer from "sciatica" or pain in the spine, doctors are advised to soak the body warm water - not hot - for 20 minutes in order to raise the pressure on the nerves. But if you suffer from stiffness or "tartar" must refrain from hot baths. seats are reserved for leadership:Must provide the car seat to put integrity and the use of additional pillow placed on the seat to lift the back and the rest sitting position through the distribution of pressure. And We have a large number of medical pads, try whichever is best for you, and used when driving or when sitting for long hours or during travel Kalmketb
There are many causes of this pain between the sleep mode to how to sit, or even inappropriate footwear.