Scanners at the airport cause cancer

Revealed Time magazine reports that the U.S. lead scanners, used to detect what a passenger airport, injuring the workers of cancer due to exposure to radiation intensity, which fired, according to representatives of the Union of security management and transportation in Boston.


But the advocacy group for airport authorities claim that the results of the reports made public by the National Institute of Technology and international standards "NIST", had abused diagnosed; which confirmed that the Institute is the one who confirmed the security of machines scan the entire body.

The Center for Information in the e-mail message that responsible of the Institute of Technology, said that the agency has not tested the security of the machines the survey and by the Institute is to measure the amount of radiation resulting from each machine only, and compare it to reduce the record permitted, and no test that determines the safety of the machine
in the long term.

It also confirmed the documents obtained by the information center based on the scanning process should avoid standing next to the scanning machines as possible, and study at Johns Hopkins that the doses of radiation on the optical scanners can exceed the allowable limit.

On the other hand, came to the location of the management of security and means of transport, the following: "The Administration confirmed that the technology used for the testing of persons at the airport safe for workers and passengers, as is regular maintenance of machines and are tested as if they exceed the radiation resulting in a reduction in standard of national security."

 The object of Experts on the risks posed by the scanners, which can damage the pilot and flight attendants and the existing survey, where they are exposed to radiation on a daily basis. Did not determine the type of cancer is exposed to him by the information center, where the affects of radiation on the skin and muscle,

associated with any type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma, which affects four out of ten Americans, according to the director of radiation research center at Columbia University. He added that the duration of illness associated with exposure to radiation for years, not months.

The magazine quoted Brenner, as saying: "I did not see a reason not to wear the airport staff to indicators of footage shows the amount of radiation they are exposed to as they Sertdunha if they dealt with the X-ray equipment within the hospital."

 The magazine that the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, "EPIC", obtained documents from the Department of Homeland Security, including electronic messages and the results of tests and studies of radiation, as evidence found through the Center that the government failed to test the degree of safety involved in the process of scanning the whole body the land of the airport, and they ignored the danger, which is running out of passengers by exposure to radiation emanating from the scanning machine.
However, some scientists doubt that the tests conducted by the Department of Transportation Security, are made by manufacturers of scanners, and the controversy about the security scanners at airports continues to appear before the United States since mid-2010.

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