Learn about the benefits of steam cooking!

Researchers confirmed that eating two dishes or three vegetables cooked by steam every day may help in the fight against many serious diseases
and delay the onset of aging, especially if it has been prepared dishes are healthy, there are lots of ideas and recipes steaming food that are delicious meals and a unique taste,Keep cooking steam to most of the natural vitamins, minerals and other nutrients beneficial to good health, and the meals steam, whether vegetables or fish will help those who want to reduce their weight, or of those of who follow the diet to control diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes, which occurs due to the application of methods of unhealthy food.

And gives cooking steam taste delicious and high nutritional value, Valboukhar is one of the best ways to cook fish, meat and vegetables in particular, because it helps the ingredients to hold its shape and colors of the natural and most importantly, nutritional value, and fit this method most types of vegetables such as artichokes, green beans, carrots and broccoli.The safety of vitamins

Most people usually cook vegetables, fish, rice, pasta, fruits, sometimes, through the bungle in the boiling water directly related to air, Vihll this vitamin (c) easily, and in cooking food with steam, it is cooked quickly under the pressure of the steam away from the air, to ensure the safety of vitamins and the concentration of flavor higher rate, as is observed with record rice steam, where does not maintain a vitamin (B 1), but only in this way

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