German diet

Daily breakfast: toasted bread slice grapefruit or orange Shahi or coffee without sugar, without milk.

First day:Lunch: fruit variety.Dinner: Cold chicken, tomatoes, grapefruit, tea or coffee.
Day Two:Lunch: Cold chicken, tomatoes, boiled cabbage.Dinner: Grilled meat, tomatoes
Third day:Lunch: meat cold.Dinner: grilled fish or poached, the amount of green salad, slice of bread.
Fourth day:Lunch: fruit variety (any type and any quantity),

tea.Dinner: a quantity of grilled meat, tomato, lettuce, olives 4 pills.Fifth day:Lunch: tuna or salmon authority of the oil refineryDinner: Mutton
Sixth day:Lunch: Cold chicken, boiled spinach, tea.Dinner: Msellouktan eggs, cheese Quraish, boiled cabbage with lemon, slice of bread, tea or coffee.
Seventh day:Lunch and dinner: an open day you can eat what she desires, but with a reasonable.
Note:Not alternatives at all in the types of foodDo not eat between meals is carrots, celeryDo not you keep on this diet for more than 14 daysSalad, vegetables without oil or fat, just a lemon or vinegarRed meat without the fat and chicken and fish alsoCoffee and tea without sugar OhalibIs important to eat every written, but no alternatives or increase
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