Good food for a period of the menstrual cycle

Most women turn to the different characters once a month, which deepens Gillaototra abound Mchagrathen with husband and children to feel what it Enevsn of tension and this is what he calls

 the pre-disease specialists menstrual cycle. Says A_khasaúahamrad women and childbirth, that 80% of women suffer from symptoms of pre-menstrual cycle and which include: mood disorder and a swollen body and says that he can alleviate these symptoms by some small changes in the meal *): advises specialist eating foods rich in fiber and carbohydrates Such as fruits, legumes, and make light meals, convergent, ie, during each two or three, as the symptoms of migraine headaches and aggressive increasingly diverge when the periods between meals and when the less carbohydrates in those meals. The other hand, says an advisory mental illness: that many of those who suffer from symptoms of pre-menstrual gestational lack of blood sugar, and there is no way to improve this situation only by following a specific diet includes minimizing Intake of fat and sugar, eat meals on time, and focus on snacks .. It is also taking a break, the most important treatments that help women to control her emotions. Kmalk taken with caffeine by drinking tea and coffee drinks Alghazh before the date of the menstrual cycle is even more stuff Dharara, as this article is active secretion of insulin, leading to low blood sugar sharply. Therefore, because the reduction of coffee leads to ease anxiety and nervous tension accompanying the session
 Examples of meals

Meal at seven in the morning:
Cup of juice, fresh fruit or half a grain follicle Froot - four to five tablespoons of Kyprh Albulalh because of the high levels of fiber - slices of brown bread with a little cheese, low fat - low sugar jam spoon - Ogahoh decaffeinated tea with low fat milk.

Meal at ten in the morning:
Ogahoh tea with caffeine with low fat milk.

Meal at one in the afternoon:
Meat free of fat, preferably Osmk eating roast - potato - vegetable dish Oslkh - one tablet of fresh fruit.

Meal at four in the afternoon:
Piece biscuits light and easy to digest - Herbal Tea

Meal at seven in the evening:
Vegetable Soup - Harikhtan of brown bread - two pieces of meat or fish Masulth - piece of fruit fresh.

Meal at ten in the evening:
Four pieces of biscuits or toast, with butter, low fat - a small piece of meat, fat-free - drink hot milk Amadavaalah

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